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Friday --January 14th

I pray that the challenge of reading The Lord’s Prayer each day this week is proving revelatory and beneficial. One friend of mine is reading the prayer in several different translations. What a great idea! If you don’t have another translation in hard copy, you can find many on any Bible apps available. Here’s a link to The Message version (Eugene Peterson doesn’t pull any punches).

And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.

The word debt carries the meaning of a debt, an offense, or a sin.

  • Jesus asks us to pray this request specifically. Why?

  • What debts do we owe?

  • For what offenses do we need to ask forgiveness from God? From others?

  • Are we extending the same grace we have received to others?

  • Remember, the measure we use will be used for us.

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