dew & Honey

I don’t like the about me section—because this blog is not about me. But my wise husband told me it was vital that I share.
My husband and I have an extraordinarily beautiful quiver full of children. I have four daughters and four sons-in-love; he has four daughters and three sons-in-love. We have eighteen grandchildren (yes, 18). My husband, Steve, is my soulmate in every good sense of the concept, and his faith in God constantly bolsters and challenges me. He builds crazy, fantastical dollhouses with me. He’s an artist-engineer, so he can readily tell me whether an idea will work. If it will, he helps me build it; if it doesn’t, he helps me find another way (and this doesn’t just apply to dollhouses).
We live in a small town, on a small street, and in a small house, but there is nothing small about our lives. No, we live an abundant life—pressed down, shaken together, and spilling over, and we want so much to share. Together, we follow Christ and invite those we meet to join us because there is nothing better.
I asked a few friends to write something for this section. When the responses came back, I was humbled because these women could slay me with what they have been privy to over the years. They’ve seen the ugly (some have seen the nasty ugly). My friends looked through that ugly and found the beautiful. In one season or another, they have picked me up on the battlefield, gently called out my sin, cheered me on, tightened my armor, broken Bread with me, challenged my thinking, prayed unceasingly for me, and corrected my self-talk. These women have (along with a few others) spoken volumes, sometimes books, into my life.
These women have followed and taken Peter’s exhortation seriously. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8).

Tamera Rehnborg

Tamera lives a life of quiet beauty, tending her little corner of the planet by loving Jesus and her family and friends. From her ponderings, art flows—an artistry of words—which reveal her not-so-ordinary heart and soul.
Terri Smith, Marion, IN
Tamera has a deep soul who loves without limits. She prays with power and is ready to battle in prayer for those she loves. She has a tender, teachable heart and is a remarkable friend.
Denise Bryant, Winchester, KY
Tamera leads by humble actions and living out the Word. She relishes spending quiet time with the Lord. She prays His Word for, and to, others engaging them in prayer conversations. She leads by humble actions and living out the Word. She loves and cares passionately about others (ALL others) with Christ-like love.
Lynn Barnes, Richmond, KY
Tamera is a creative and interacts with the world around her in that creativity. A pen is her tool to document the light amid chaos, pain, laughter, joy, and the depths of the broken places—these glimpses show redemption in action.
Anna Bryant, Winchester, KY
Tamera understands the beauty and the power of the written Word and how a word aptly chosen can be an instrument of healing, of grace, of restoration, and of refreshment.
Cyndi Downing, Winchester, KY
Growing Room is the chronicling of God making growing room for me. He provided a spacious place for me. Relentlessly pursued me. He assured me that there is no punishment in his Love. He gave me wings to fly away and be at rest. He extended his sweet and powerful grace to me. He exchanged my soiled rags of self-pity for a glorious covering.