How To Become A Teacher Librarian In Nsw 'LINK'
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New staffing standards, released by the Australian Library and Information Association and the Australian School Library Association, aim to boost teacher librarian numbers in schools to ensure libraries are adequately staffed to meet 21st century needs.
Only six primary schools and eight secondary schools in NSW are entitled to more than two full-time teacher librarians under the Education Department's current formula. There are about 1486 full-time equivalent teacher librarians across the state's 2317 schools.
Some school libraries are instead staffed by library technicians or teacher aides: different positions to that of the teacher librarian, which is a formal teaching position that requires a masters degree in both education and information services.
The revised standard recommends almost one (0.98) full-time teacher librarian for a primary school population of 213 students. Where a primary school has 547 students, there should be almost two (1.97).
They also work alongside classroom teachers to provide specialist knowledge that helps students navigate search engines, determine quality resources, evaluate websites and hone in on a topic of inquiry.
She hoped the new guidelines would influence principals, who make staffing decisions, and provide direction for states and territories determining their staffing formulas. In South Australia, just 23 per cent of schools have a qualified teacher librarian.
"Many schools are looking to transform, or have already transformed, the traditional teacher librarian into a broader role of information facilitator, particularly as the numbers of physical books in libraries decrease and students and teachers access more material online."
Some school libraries are staffed by library technicians or teacher aides: different positions to that of the teacher librarian, which is a that requires a masters degree in both education and information services.
\\\"Many schools are looking to transform, or have already transformed, the traditional teacher librarian into a broader role of information facilitator, particularly as the numbers of physical books in libraries decrease and students and teachers access more material online.\\\"
In 2018, I visited 30 schools in urban and rural sites as part of the Teacher Librarians as Australian Literature Advocates in Schools project. I interviewed teacher librarians to explore a range of questions, including the role they play as literacy educators.
1. Identification of struggling readers. Teacher librarians support the timely identification of struggling readers through the data they collect on student performance. The sooner struggling readers are identified, the sooner the school can help them.
2. Providing age and skill-appropriate materials for struggling readers. Teacher librarians match students with age-appropriate materials they can manage and topics and genres they prefer. The more a student enjoys and is interested in reading, the more likely they are to keep it up.
3. Teaching students how to choose books they like. Both children in primary and secondary schools have suggested they would read more if it were easier to choose books that appeal to them. Teacher librarians teach students how to do this.
5. Matching struggling readers to appropriate books for their skill level. Research suggests when struggling readers have texts matched appropriately with their ability and personal interest, they are more persistent, invested, and use more cognitive skills. Teacher librarians show expertise in making good matches.
6. Promoting access to books. Access to books is positively related to reading motivation, reading skills, reading frequency and positive attitudes toward reading. Teacher librarians make their books accessible. Francesca described regular use of a pop-up library:
Teacher librarians supported struggling readers to achieve this essential academic goal through a range of initiatives. For example, teacher librarian Stephanie supported students to use practice online testing programs in her library, which gave students the practice they needed to sit both NAPLAN and online literacy and numeracy assessment (OLNA) tests.
Teacher librarians in Australian schools are a valuable resource often taken for granted. They have faced significant budgetary cuts in recent times, despite a 2011 government inquiry into school libraries. Teacher librarians noted they play an important educative role in our schools.
So what can we as educators do to help our young people become discerning digital citizens? How can we help them grasp the workings of social networks, the power of algorithms, and understand the effects a personalised stream of content may have on shaping their thought processes?
These online librarian courses in Australia enable students to combine their studies with personal and professional demands. The course seamlessly connects students to lecturers and classmates through recent technologies and tools.
Staying relevant in the present age, a tech-driven world, is a real challenge for librarians with a non-digital background. The job requires readiness to embrace technology and keep up with the latest evolving online world.
Alternatively, you can become a volunteer in any public library or community. This way, not just do you gain valuable experience but also build networks and connections that, in turn, improve your chances of employment.
Libraries are an essential resource within New South Wales government schools to support teaching and learning in the context of syllabus and curriculum requirements. Libraries provide teachers and teacher-librarians with resources to teach the curriculum and students with resources for individual learning and recreational reading. Students need to use a range of resources to learn - print, digital, electronic and human. Camden High School library provides access to all of these.
The purpose of the school library is to support teaching and learning within the total program of the school. Teacher-librarians collaborate with teachers in the planning, implementing and evaluating of teaching and learning programs, including the integration of Information Communications Technology and literacy. In the age of the Internet, school libraries and teacher-librarians have never been more important.
Worldwide research consistently confirms the strong correlation between a well-resourced school library with a qualified teacher-librarian, and higher student achievement, and this was reinforced in the 2011 Australian government inquiry into school libraries and teacher-librarians. Teacher-librarians are specialist teachers, and our very experienced teacher-librarian at Camden High School has dual qualifications, in both secondary education and librarianship.
Penny has taught in primary schools and support settings for more than 14 years. She has seen a lot change in that time and is concerned about the rising workloads and declining salaries within the teaching profession. Read why Penny believes teachers deserve More Than Thanks.
The recent parliamentary Inquiry into School Libraries and Teacher Librarians in Australian Schools (House of Representatives 2011) recognised the significance of both school libraries and teacher-librarians in light of national initiatives such as Building the Education Revolution (BER), Digital Education Revolution (DER) and the Australian Curriculum. Therefore it is of great concern that the Inquiry found that around Australia, many school libraries are currently under-funded and specialist teacher-librarian positions are declining. This trend might be associated with current budgetary constraints and competing needs in schools, as well as limited awareness of the educational value of libraries and teacher-librarians. The National Plan for School Improvement (Australian Government 2013) offers schools an opportunity to strengthen library provision and staffing. The findings presented in this article indicate the value, even necessity, of doing so.
Student Learning through Australian School Libraries (Hay 2005, 2006) indicated that the school library and teacher-librarian help students learn by providing access to a range of current resources and technology and by developing information literacy. The School Libraries Futures Project (Hay & Todd 2010) provided extensive examples of teacher-librarian activities that support information literacy and learning in New South Wales government schools. An Australia-wide school literacy survey (Management Committee for the National School English Literacy Survey 1997) also showed strong relationships between reading attainment and school library use.
Australian School Library Surveys conducted annually since 2010 by the Softlink company (2012) show links between school library funding and reading scores. In addition, they find a significant positive correlation between the number of school librarians employed and the NAPLAN Reading Literacy results for the school. In these respects, the Softlink findings are similar to findings of many North American impact studies. 2b1af7f3a8