Coping Styles Questionnaire Csq-3 Pdf 76
Thus, the present findings revealed both the characteristics of pregnant women in the chronic phase of FMS and the factors that cause depression in them. More specifically, using a generalized linear regression model, it was indicated that negative coping style, subjective social support, and obstetric diseases can be used as risk factors for prenatal depression, and that positive coping style, subjectively perceived social support, and health-related physical symptoms can be used as protective factors for prenatal depression.
Despite the relatively small size of the study population, the major strength of this study is the high quality of the data, which was achieved by recruiting the participants from only one specialty clinic. Another strength of this study is that we used a validated FMS screening questionnaire and a validated disability scale. This is the first study to investigate the impact of different aspects of religiosity on disability and coping strategies in FMS patients. The most important limitation of this study is the small sample size.
In this study, we found that patients with FMS had specific spiritual and religious needs, which may not be met by current treatment. These patients need to be provided with relevant religious or spiritual information. It is also necessary to consider the attitudes and behaviors of their family members to help them cope with the disease. These data might be used in the development of treatment plans for patients with FMS in the future.
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