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A U.S. Marine received that same letter from Rescorla two weeks later. He told Rescorla that he'd recently been wounded in a firefight. "My company was advancing, my platoon was west of my company, and a north of my platoon was engaged by a North Vietnamese company. My platoon was going to take those guys on, and I was in the first assault wave going out. I knew my platoon was in trouble. My whole platoon was down in one place."
A random squad of men were wandering about the beach. He decided he was going to find out what they were doing. "I went up and down the beach till I found a body that I was looking for. He was all in black with a black backpack. I looked at the right hand and he had an M-1 carbine in it. I grabbed it. I knew where to go. I went to get my platoon, and took about an hour and a half to get there. I had an M-79 grenade launcher. I had a grenade in each hand. When we got there we found the bodies of his entire squad."
Of course, Rescorla's approach to dissonance could pit his men against him. After the battle for Albany, when his company was as close as it will ever be to needing a rest, he still had to go out and seek out a platoon decimated by wounds. "I've got to take these guys back to the LZ. We've got to do whatever it is, you know what I mean, alligators can't get us in our [expletive]! If they weren't scared of me they should be willing to jump with us into [expletive]! At least that's what we're trained to do."
[MacOSX]1. Unpack all Patched files in the 'Patched VST DLLs' folder.2. Copy the VST DLL from the file Patched VST DLLs Only-TVB with replacement Keygen is no longer needed into the VST Plugins 'VST Plugins Patched' folder.3. Start Patched_VSTs.4. Run the Patched_VSTs application.5. Start selecting all Patched VST Patches. 6. Enjoy!
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