Flatbed Scanner 22 Driver For Windows 7 23 [VERIFIED]
Flatbed Scanner 22 Driver For Windows 7 23 - https://urlgoal.com/2tafqQ
It turns out that the driver for a more recent scanner is actually a whole different product (a driver for a different scanner). This is because that newer driver doesn't support all of the functions of the older scanner.
The first thing to understand is that Epson Scan 2 is designed to handle a variety of different types of scanners. It's designed to be able to plug into a variety of models from the Epson Perfection line of flatbed scanners (up to Perfection V600). It even has a little tray underneath the scanner that allows you to mount the scanner on the wall. So far, so good.
But by designing it to be a universal solution for a variety of scanners , Epson Scan 2 has a very different way of interacting with these different scanners. If you want to use Epson Scan 2 with an older model scanner, you can't just plug it in. You have to connect its USB cable to your computer and then run the Epson Scan 2 app through setup to install the Epson Scan driver.
Well, as I was saying about the support experience, Epson went a step further. And I cannot thank them enough. They kindly offered to send me the following USB adapters that I would need to plug into my MacBook and its USB port, which would allow me to use Epson Scan 2 as a USB-connected scanner.
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