Counter Strike 1.6 Portable No Install
Counter-Strike 1.6 portable is a compressed ZIP/Rar file of the game. CS 1.6 Portable gives you the advantage of playing the game without any installation. Just drop the game files anywhere and start playing immediately!
You can download cs 1.6 portable, a ZIP file with direct or torrent download. With an extremely download speed and no installation necessity, you will be able after uncompression. Which is not necessary, you can play directly from the ZIP package, double click on the game and start playing!
Install size is only ~170mb! You can also use torrent download (counter strike 1.6 tpb) cs 1.6 portable other name is cs 1.6 v48 patch download. So by downloading this cs 1.6 for free you will be guarantee that you are playing latest counter strike 1.6.
Download steam installer for linux from steam official site. Through steam you will be able to install CS 1.6. Its working for me. But, however, I am looking for portable CS 1.6 build that can run on Linux/Ubuntu. Because, Its looks like Steam/CS 1.6 having some issues with firewall. I often get disconnected from the game & I get some message telling me to relax firewall rules.
First we will create a directory to install the game server to:mkdir cstrikeYou can name it as you like just be sure it is something descriptive and that you will remember. Now navigate into the directory:cd cstrikeObtain the HLDS update tool:wget Now we need to give it permission to run:chmod +x hldsupdatetool.binNow to run the program:./hldsupdatetool.binyes./steamYou may need to run the previous command a few times until the update tool is completely updated. You will know the program is completely update when after issue the ,/steam command you are given a list of possible commands.Now to install counter strike game files../steam -command update -game cstrike -dir .Don't forget the period at the end of -dir This command will take a while to complete and install all necessary components for your server. Once the command completes it is time to start the server.
If you happen to have an android phone you can get a hacked version of the beloved version of counter-strike 1,6 to run guessed it, android. Why is this something big now? who wouldn't love to just sit down at the end of the day or when your stuck waiting on someone to meet you.
Install:1) Install the APK. Install APK with omp postfix if you have multi-core device and noomp if you have single-core device or have problems with omp version.2) Install the latest Xash3D Android from -android-project/releases/latest.3) Copy cstrike and valve folders from your Steam CS1.6 installation to xash folder on SDCard.4) Run CS16Client! 2b1af7f3a8